
Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Celebration preparations

I'm worried about Helena's birthday. At first, no one seemed interested in marking the occasion in any special way. I came round to the fact that it would be just our little family of three staying in and having grilled cheese sandwiches and cake — intimate, really. Now, we're going to my mother-in-law's house. I suspect there may be more guests in store for us. I don't know what's for dinner.

I will bring cake. Black forest cake.

On Friends a couple weeks ago, it was Rachel's baby's first
birthday. Now I get it. Much anxiety. Silly, cuz she's one — she won't remember a thing. But I feel driven to make it memorable, symbolically at least. Or maybe I just want it to be picture perfect, like the snapshots from my first birthday.

The packages have been rolling in all week. I suppose I should save them all up for her to open at her "party," but It seems a shame that by then there will only be an hour or two left in her day for her to enjoy them.

I found the perfect gift, months ago already. I hope she likes it.

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