
Sunday, February 15, 2004

Love day

I got to sleep in! I love my cohabiting significant other. God bless him — I got to sleep in.

Helena and I are enjoying some time apart. I wonder how often she gets bored of me and wishes she could just walk away.

We dropped her off at the mother-in-law's in the afternoon, headed back into town to go drinking. Ah, the simple pleasures.

We even managed to have hours of scintillating if slightly drunken non-baby-related conversation. Quite a relief, actually, to know that it's still possible. I love him.

We'd gone to the bar across the park, Universel. (I think two other bars may be even closer to home, but we really would need a tape measure to figure it out.) It's nothing fancy. The food is inoffensive. But the ambiance is just right. Dim lighting. Great music — from David Bowie to Moby.

So it was nothing special, but very special all the same.

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