
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Weird yet strangely poetic email I received this evening

From Eduardo Short.

Tue, 15 Jun 2004 18:00:15 -0800 Academic-Qualifications from NON–ACCR. Universities. No exams. No classes. No books. Call to register and get yours in days - 1-603-457-0203 No more ads: await silversmith gantlet aftereffect mcallister falconry ret friend sensual globule polygonal debutante ashland linoleum benzene ferocity heroine devolve bema bespectacled emphatic programmer irene aristocrat dylan effluent chilean ah company hebraic acropolis danzig gird shark jorgenson plural cleanse indignation burgundy newport cackle hobo aileen diffusion girl hardy saga officialdom abovementioned factorial forfend filly apple boggy inhibitor coffman balletic anagram furrow impertinent goodyear carrie increment dallas abrasion ain't flatiron furtherance familiarly andrei adulthood cancelled howe correspond sadden differential oral broach johnston panic bluebill deoxyribose edwina scrumptious

Thank you, Mr Short. I don't know what else to say...

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