
Thursday, December 30, 2004

A series of unfortunate allusions

Have you ever wondered if there was a hidden message in Sunny Baudelaire's exclamations of "nonsense"? Are you puzzled by the directive that you should never, under any circumstances, let the Virginian Wolfsnake near a typewriter?

Who is Lemony Snicket, and why all the morose dedications to this Beatrice woman? invites you to "check out some of these notable allusions in the series, which leaves no dystopia unreferenced."

The site also offers plentiful links, notably:
Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized FAQ.

(Link via Kids Lit.)

Sadly, burdened as we are with small child, we have not seen the dismal film version of this unfortunate series. Apparently the closing credits are stunning and, though nothing else in the movie is, worth the price of admission.


  1. Howdy...Thanks for stopping by. As for Lemony Snicket, all I can tell you is that 5th graders love it.

  2. After going to the allusion site you linked to, I decided that I will in fact read the Snicket books. My first inkling that I might like them was reading a review of one that mentioned a character named Esme Squalor. I love clever, possibly pretentious nods to literature like that! It's not too often you see references to Salinger's non-Catcher in the Rye work.

    At lunch, I'm off to the library to get the first book. Thanks!
