
Thursday, February 24, 2005

Choosing her words

Helena is growing up bilingual.

Looking at pictures: "Pas cow, Mama — c'est vache."

Looking at the sky: "Pas la lune — la moon."

I figure farm animals are a big deal at (the French) daycare, whereas her knowledge of the moon stems from our frequent reading of Kitten's First Full Moon.

I'll be curious to see what patterns emerge regarding which language she chooses to express different concepts.

It's clear to me that she thinks in two languages.


  1. I find it amazing that children learn to speak at all, let alone speak two languages. I'm sure it will be a fascinating journey for you as well.

  2. Anonymous11:17 am

    I suppose that growing up in BC with a mom who speaks Southern US doesn't count, consarn it.


  3. Our household has English and 3 creoles mixed in. My niece lives with us and her father is from Jamaica. My father is from Barbados and my stepfather is from Trinidad. My niece will have her "wrap" after her "tea" and then watch a "flick". Her word "cookie" is accented, too.

    My husband is again outnumbered: she and I understand my family when they speak whereas my husband still has difficulty.
