
Monday, February 28, 2005


BHR pointed out some talk of conspiracy theories, which link coincidentally I'd had buried in my drafts with notes on where Dan Brown's audience will go (assuming it will some day tire of him) and some profound insight quoted from Umberto Eco, waiting for an inspired moment to coalesce into something interesting and having a point. But I will throw them out now.

The discussion uses the conspiracy behind the DaVinci Code (that is, behind the story told in the book, not the one behind its being a blockbuster phenomenon) as a starting point to share some links regarding Templars and precisely these kinds of arcane thrillers while observing along the way that stories about the Templars bring out the lunatics (or maybe the lunatic in all of us). (There's something profound to be said on this — I can feel it. Long pause. Not today.)

One link led me to a recent piece by Eco:

Modern science does not hold that what is new is always right. On the contrary, it is based on the principle of "fallibilism" (enunciated by the American philosopher Charles Peirce, elaborated upon by Popper and many other theorists, and put into practice by scientists.

According to this principle, science progresses by continually correcting itself, falsifying its hypotheses by trial and error, admitting its own mistakes — and by considering that an experiment that doesn't work out is not a failure but is worth as much as a successful one, because it proves that a certain line of research was mistaken and it is necessary either to change direction or even to start over from scratch.

See, that has nothing whatsoever to do with Templars. The previous post shall serve as a reminder never to write and publish entries in the middle of the night, sneaking away from that work deadline for just a minute. As shall this update serve to remind that when one has had less than 2 hours' sleep, increased coffee consumption is required in order to approach the usual level of early morning lucidity, and this has not yet occurred.

Refer to these excellent instructions on reading and digesting books.

The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.
— Mark Twain

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