
Thursday, May 12, 2005


This time tomorrow, we will be homeowners. Ack!

We do a final inspection with the contractor in the morning, sign a bunch of papers, hand over a lot of money, and get keys.

Then we move.

On the whole, things have been going remarkably smoothly. I anticipate catastrophe to strike within the next 48 hours.

Packing is progressing but slowly. Packing is hell. I've been working hard to deliver a project this week; packing would come after that.

But wouldn't you know, Helena's running a fever and complaining of various pains, so she's home today. While obviously not well, she's in fine spirits and super active. Or maybe she only seems more active cuz there's so many boxes and newspapers strewn about to play with, stacks of stuff everywhere, and nothing can really get put away. She gets upset when I ignore her pleas for a tea party and doesn't understand why I won't let her help pack the crystal.

(She says it's her ear, but there's no sign of infection. I think it's a bad bout of teething — all her teeth came in way ahead of schedule, except for these final molars.)

Sometime this weekend, the computer will be put in a box. I won't have anyplace to write down my thoughts or troubles. I will ignore your comments and email. Internet service will be interrupted. I will want to turn to drink, but the bottles will also be packed.

See ya!


  1. Quite a confluence of stress-inducers! Good luck with everything, and see you when you are re-connected. That will be your first priority, right?

  2. Family M-mv wishes you health and happiness in your new home!

  3. Congratulations, Ms. Homeowner! Good luck with the move.

    It's much easier to run out to the store for a bottle than for a computer. A couple bottles of good red wine helped me through both the packing and unpacking when we bought our house.

  4. Anonymous10:48 pm

    You sound like "first-time" home-owners. One shock you'll encounter (if you've been renting) is that when something breaks, you either just fix it, or call someone and they come RIGHT OVER and fix it! No more begging the landlord for months on end...woo hoo!!! Of course, be prepared to spend $1000 on something unexpected within the next three months...sorry :(

  5. Congratulations!!!

    Buying a home is so exciting (and exhausting which you know by now). I'm sure you'll all be very happy there.

    Get in touch as soon as you can.

  6. Anonymous10:47 am

    Congratulations on the new home! Hope all the moving is going well.
