
Friday, July 29, 2005


Busy working. No, not really. Busy procrastinating.

Busy mulling over Doris Lessing's The Golden Notebook, trying to decide what it is I want to say about it.

Busy reading Paul Auster's In the Country of Last Things.

Busy wondering where should I hang those pictures and where are the damn curtain rod brackets.

Busy noting the recent crop of weird and wonderful expressions Helena has adopted.

Busy sleeping. I love sleep.

Busy checking out other people's blogs.
Scribbling Woman on (old) age as represented in literature.
Mental Multivitamin on how the text should stand alone.
Collision Detection on both minimizing and enhancing jargon.

The Economist on the glass ceiling.

Nothing much going on. Nothing much to say.


  1. Anonymous8:36 pm

    Hi! Just came from Mamacita's guest spot on MA's blog and was so happy to see someone else read and saw Gormenghast. It was the subject of one of my posts awhile back and how careful one has to be when sharing Gormenghast!

    Great Blog!
