
Wednesday, July 13, 2005


"It is good that you explain the facts of Harry Potter, because this is a subtle seduction, which has deeply unnoticed and direct effects in undermining the soul of Christianity before it can really grow properly."

Do you know the facts?

Should I cave to the great marketing machine and just go ahead and order the damn book?


  1. Anonymous11:50 am

    I've never read Harry Potter, even when my kids were in the throes of the whole craze (back with the first three books; they've since "grown up," so they say). But I admire Rowling and what she's done for publishing, particularly YA, and have to laugh at all the witch hunting that's gone on. Puh-leeze!

  2. Yes, give in, give in. Like I did.

    Frankly, I grew bored throughout the last novel and didn't finish and I hold out little hope for the new one. Still...

  3. Anonymous3:28 pm

    Yeah, the last couple could have used some editing, IMO. That strikes me as laziness on the part of the publisher (since they know it'll be a best seller no matter what), and a disservice to Rowling. Bestselling author or no, she deserves to have her books be as good as they can be. There's nobody so good they can't use an edit.

    And I got 9/10 on that quiz. Does that make me a nerd?

  4. 8 of out 10 here!

    I love the books, but I agree with Rachel that editing was definitely order for at least the past two.

  5. Oops, I wasn't very clear. I have read all the Potter books, and the last one bored me too.

    I wonder how it is that I let myself get caught up in the media hype. Do I have to read it now, or can it wait for a few months? And if I don't order it now at 40% off, will I have to pay full price (gasp) in September?

    I scored 9. I don't think it makes us nerds so much as it says we're 11-year-old girls.

  6. Anonymous3:33 pm

    If you know you're going to read it someday anyway, by all means get it 40% off. Because you know you'll NEVER be able to get it from the library.
