
Friday, November 18, 2005


This morning, I got a cheap haircut. Since moving to Montreal 3 and a half years ago, I've tried a few different Aveda salons, but none of my experiences came close to rivalling that stemming from the relationship I'd had with my hairdresser in Ottawa.

I've never been overly concerned with my hair: I run a brush through it in morning, most days; I don't own a blow-dryer. If it takes more than 2 minutes to make it look acceptable, it's not my fault or the lack of product — it's the haircut.

Bill knew my hair. We treated it well and shared a philosophy — you must be true to the hair, embrace what it wants to be. (And he knew me too: perhaps most precious of all to me in a hair salon, we were comfortable in each other's alternating silliness and silences.)

Within 3 blocks of home are 3 haircutting establishments: one very prestigious; another brand new and boasting a hip, urban feel (but it turns out just barely beyond the price limit I'd established for myself, which I thought about fudging, but rules are rules...); and one that has a local feel and looks more like a barbershop. It's probably been there for 70 years, as has most of its clientele.

(Within 5 blocks are at least another 4. I'm getting the feeling we moved into the hair district of this town.)

I opted for the "barbershop." Half the price of the joint across the street, and half the time I'm used to spending, too. And it looks okay! And the clincher, I feel great! To the benefit of myself, my hair, and local small business, I may do this more often.


  1. Anonymous10:08 am

    Where was Bill in Ottawa? I've yet to find a good haircutter yet.

  2. Anonymous4:53 pm

    I have curly hair which does what it wants anyway, so I often opt for the cheap cuts. When I go to more expensive salons, they always seem to want to blow dry my hair straight, which seems ridiculous to me. So I get my hair cut no more than an inch long all over, and just run my fingers through it in the morning. If I had the nerve, I would get a shaver and do it myself. But I'm too much of a weeny.

  3. Anonymous12:30 am

    It took me over 5 years to find a hairdresser I liked in Seattle, so every time I went to visit my parents in Houston, I'd make an appoinment with the woman who'd cut my hair there for 10 years. Finally, this year I'll get there for Christmas with a decent looking haircut.

  4. Pearl: ManeLine, downtown on Laurier.

    Martha: You sound like you look like my sister, only she's a weeny because she compensates by opting for super-expensive cuts, like it makes a difference. (Yvonne, if you're reading this, I'm only teasing in the interest of light banter. I love you and your haircut.)

    Kimberly: I'm glad to know I'm not alone in searching for just the right one. I've been tempted to make a day of it to travel to Ottawa for the sake of my hair. I have no sympathy from the man in the house, who simply doesn't understand that not just any hairdresser will do.

  5. Anonymous3:23 pm


  6. I love Aveda. My hair never looks the same two days in a row anyway, and at Aveda they give you a scalp massage and don't allow tipping. Good enough for me!
