
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

It's snowing!

And it takes my breath away! I can't stop smiling!


  1. Anonymous9:24 am

    How wonderful! Take a picture if you can.

    It's not snowing yet here in Toronto, but soon, I hope.

  2. Yes, take a picture!

    Snow's on the way here in the Twin Cities, too. I haven't seen snow in two years now, so I'm looking forward to it.

    Kind of...

  3. Anonymous12:24 pm

    It's been snowing on and off in Ottawa this morning, too! It's making a lovely pattern, collecting on the rooftops and the grass. It's calming to watch it falling outside. Rememebering how to walk safely in the slushy stuff takes a few steps.

    The first snowball fight isn't far off now!
