
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Rolly Cat

Yesterday we became a one-cat household, down from two.

Rolly wasn't particularly clever, but she was the sweetest, most good-natured, easy-going, eager-to-please cat we've ever known. Almost dog-like. In a good way.

She came to us as a foster pet about 7 years ago. She'd been dropped at the Humane Society pregnant too young and not expected to survive her condition, but survive she did. A scrawny thing, before she grew into her name.

We hadn't chosen her, but she made it clear she'd come to stay.

I hope we made a little difference in her little life.

She used to wrap herself around my head at night.

Nap buddy.

Partner in crime.

Bane of her shadow's existence.

Object of much affection.


  1. So sorry about your cat. How is Helena handling it?

  2. Anonymous11:58 am

    I'm very sorry to hear about Rolly Cat. She looks like such a character from your photos, and those are hard to come by.

  3. Anonymous2:42 pm

    There has never been, and never will be, another cat like Rolly! I'll never forget how Rolly tolerated being cuddled by Emily for a good six hours before she took a swipe! Calvino always had the good sense to hide from toddlers.

    It's always sad to say goodbye to a pet, and poor Helena isn't yet 3. Sympathy from our family to yours.

  4. Anonymous3:44 pm

    What a sweet post :)

    I can't believe the size of Rolly Cat though.

  5. Was Rolly the kitty that was sick when I first met you? I remember your having a cat at the vet, very near death, when we were together at AS...

    So sorry to hear of your loss. It was a week to lose a pet, I guess :-(!

  6. Anonymous5:03 pm

    Very sorry for your loss, Iz.

  7. Anonymous6:36 pm

    Sorry to hear about Rolly Cat. I've lost some great nap buddies myself, so I know how bad it feels.

  8. Thanks, all. To be honest, I've always felt sorry for Rolly more than actually liking her. Am surprised to be feeling quite so emotional.

    Suzanne: Helena's taking it in stride — knew Rolly was sick (at which point she expressed concern also for the other cat). I don't know how well she understands the word "death," but she does realize Rolly's not coming back. We tell her we're sad and miss Rolly, she says, "me too."

    Kimbofo: Yes, she wasn't exactly the picture of health. We tried our best.

    Liz: That was Calvino (the black one also pictured above — yes, it's an actual cat, not a shadow), who is in fine form these days.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about Rolly. Our best kitty was of the wrap-around-the-head variety as well.
