
Thursday, December 01, 2005

Colouring our world

Helena's elephant
Of which she is most proud. And so am I (poor-quality scan not-withstanding).

Of her recent work, I'd have to say this is the one that most looks like what she says it is.

She draws a lot of portraits of me. (Bear in mind, the picture at right is not of me. It's an elephant. No, I'm not an elephant. What follows is an anecdote regarding pictures of me, not elephants.) They (portraits of me) generally include a roundish head, with 2 eyes, 2 ears, etc, but her execution has a rather cubist perspective. Amazingly, she always knows (or remembers) which way is up. Weirdly, she realized that in one of yesterday's pictures she'd omitted one of my arms (the right one), and so proceeded to draw it in in the bottom right corner (under my left foot).

I suspect that in this realm of development, Helena may be a little behind average. (Am I allowed to say that, as a mother?)

Isabella's dragon
This has nothing to do with anything, but I thought you'd like to know: Jamie Oliver puts horseradish in his mashed potatoes, and this is an excellent idea. Boring potatoes? Meet adventurous horseradish. Delicious.

My own crayoning skills have come a long way, no?


  1. Anonymous4:23 pm

    Oh yes. Horseradish and chives in mashed potatoes is excellent. I would never eat mundane potatoes with butter again.
    Hi. I'm new. I found you through a link from Suzanne at Mimilou.

  2. She is not behind Rachel, which isn't sayng much. It's a beautiful elephant!

    And the dragon is superb.

  3. I am so impressed with the elephant. And don't get me started on that dragon! It just isn't FAIR that people can both draw and write.

  4. Anonymous8:51 pm

    What makes you think Helena would be behind in that department? I'm not an expert but it strikes me that she isn't behind.

  5. I don't think she's behind either, Isabella.

    Now as for you and that dragon...


  6. Anonymous4:45 am

    Lovely elephant, amazing dragon, talented family!

  7. OK, not behind. I've seen quite a few examples of "advanced" toddler artwork, and Helena's can't compare, is all. "Normal" suits me fine.

  8. Anonymous12:11 pm

    I love the elephant! I've had the same sneaking suspicions that C is slightly below par with her drawings, but I think actually they're both right where they should be. I admit, when I first looked at the post I thought that Helena had drawn the splendid dragon, and I about fell off my chair. Your crayoning skills are amazing.

  9. Yeah, that's a terrific dragon! And in my experience the elephant looks just right for a barely-three-year-old.

  10. What a wonderful elephant! I love that Helena added your "missing" arm not attached to the rest of your body. At least you got it back!

    Your dragon is lovely, too. I'm fine with drawing buildings (nice straight lines and all), but when my nephews ask me to draw a giraffe or a lion, I'm flustered. Fortunately, they're not particular about the same things that I am.
