
Monday, December 19, 2005

What we have

We have a tree! Retrieved Saturday morning, pulled home on sled. By evening, Helena very excited about decorating it. Does not grok my protestations that she allow me to string lights before she hangs ornaments. Drags stepstool from bathroom to living room so she can reach higher branches. Proceeds to hang as many decorations as possible on the same, but high, branch.

(After she went to bed I redistributed these for balance, though I'm now a little sorry I did. I realize it's not my tree anymore. I had mine, with my favoured colours, styles, etc, for a couple years, but realistically, the tree won't be mine again till Helena moves out, assuming my preferences will still be strong enough to trump J-F's. Till then Helena hangs every ornament every well-meaning person bestows upon her — the tacky bears, and the Santas, and the outrageously huge stuffed bird — and I smile with her, admitting that a couple of the Santas are in fact rather artsy and unique.)

Last year Helena poked and pulled and sproing-ed and moved and dropped and broke a million ornaments. This year she's pretty happy to let the creation stand, except for one garland she keeps fussing with. I'm tempted to remove it altogether but I'm rather succumbing to the charm of her mutterings: "This way, this way... that way, around, around, around, comme ca!"

I fell in love with a beautiful and unusual starlike tree topper the other day, but decided it was a little too extravagant a purchase to be considering this year. Our tree remains topped by the traditional white Christmas, um, butterfly. And this fact makes me smile. Butterfly!

We have a bedroom suite! It arrived ahead of schedule, and delivery arrangements were efficient. It has yet to be assembled, but that can wait. I'm sleeping better already. We don't have a sofabed for my sister, but I don't care.

We have Christmas cookies! Two kinds! And they're delicious! I think I can manage another batch, something chocolatey, tomorrow.

We have an angel of a daughter! This morning I heard J-F checking in on her on his way to shower. She murmured drowsily that she just wanted to stay where she was for a few minutes. Soon after, she's peeking in on me. "Je vais faire un bisou et calin pour toi." She clambers through the bedding to hug me tight and plant a big, wet smooch on my cheek. We have waffles for breakfast.


  1. No - your tree will never be yours again (even when daughter leaves home) because from here on out, there are expectations. Your tree will always need to look like it was for her childhood. Let all the decorations be on one branch - as she grows, she'll sort that out, and for now, it's a sweet baby-style tree.

    Here's my rule of thumb for a great tree: any tree that a child spends more than five minutes examining. Forget white lights and perfect ornaments. My tree has lots of old family ornaments, but just as many kid-made ones. Every tree is a history of Christmases past. My 22-year-old Kate still gives me a new ornament every year, so the tradition continues. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  2. Anonymous6:47 pm

    Congrats on your nomination of a BoB Award! Good Luck and keep up the good work!

  3. I love the image of a tree brought home by sled. It's so romantic and old-fashioned!
