
Monday, February 13, 2006

The natives are restless

And I'm still bored, and experiencing severe cognitive difficulties.

(What does it mean when you no longer feel guilt over your guilty pleasures?)

I may or may not be here this week. Excuse me while I struggle to put my metaphorical houses in order.

(Coming February 23: Literary Mama Blog Book Tour stops here!)


  1. Anonymous6:04 pm

    Good luck, Isabelle - I think we are in the same boat (house?) this week. There is DISORDER EVERYWHERE here and it's driving me crazy. Anyway, hope things improve soon.

  2. Anonymous4:14 pm

    Good luck with the whole getting your metaphorical houses in order thing. I know I'm crappy at it. I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Good luck. I've taken a stab at getting the physical house in order, and it's oddly satisfying. I hope that you can straigthen things out metaphorically, too.
