
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Just so you know

1. Work deadlines are creeping up on me, preparing to bash me on the head from behind and leave me unconscious.

2. Sunday evening, the child threw up. Copiously. And all over me (2 different outfits), in addition to all over herself (also 2 outfits), her blanket, the sofa, the floor. She hadn't been showing any signs of illness. I think it had more to do with our afternoon snack, when I made hot chocolate and she ate half a box of cookies when I wasn't looking (even if they were those delicate almond thins). Monday morning she rushed into our room exclaiming, "I'm not sick anymore!" It seems she's drawn some correlation between feeling better and throwing up specifically all over my pants.

3. This morning, child refuses to go to daycare. This is unusual. I can't bring myself to force the issue. No fever, but general malaise and a bit of diarrhea. Mother-in-law is expected to swoop to the rescue shortly, so maybe I will meet my deadlines after all.

4. Over the last week, I've been sneaking peeks at The Dodecahedron, by Paul Glennon. So far, it's amazing. More on this later.

5. It seems I've been leaving typos in my wake, wherever my personal and professional correspondence has taken me these last couple days. This does not bode well for work at all.


  1. Anonymous10:17 am

    Poor Helena! Poor you! These tummy issues are annonying . . . and often gross. Hope the mother-in-law gets there soon.

    Lovely to see you three last week. Good friends go a long way to make up for poor food. There's got to be a better kid-friendly place to go for brunch!

  2. I share your anxiety about the tension between looming dealines and a child who needs your attention. I've been harboring a desperate desire to pack up a few things and sneak out to a little motel somewhere by myself for a few days. But I probably won't manage it for at least another ten years.

  3. Anonymous1:11 pm

    Oh dear. I always feel so bad when I see little kids get sick. I once over-indulged one of my nephews (this was about 10 years ago) when he was five; I let him eat copious amounts of ice cream and chocolate when he was visiting us. Had same result as poor Helena. After throwing up everything inside him, the poor child put his hand to his head and exclaimed: "Why does this always happen to me?"

    I hope you get through your deadlines ok, and get back to some good reading!

  4. Yikes! Glad Helena is feeling better.

  5. Good luck with the deadlines -- my must they always coincide with illness (or at least it always seems to work that way for me)?

  6. Anonymous5:13 pm

    I can tell when I'm really stressed because I start mistyping my own name. One hand gets ahead of the other, and I'm Kimbelry all over the place.

    Don't let those deadlines sneak up behind you!
