
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The neighbourhood bar

(by which I mean crawling distance)

The other residents of this condominium do not like having a bar next door, though it predates this building by decades. It did not stop them from purchasing a unit, but condo meetings often devolve into plotting how to have it closed down. We must protect our investment, after all — think of the resale value! They call the fire department about "cracks" in the wall. They call the police on the grounds of noise disturbance if two people should leave the establishment and head down the street in our direction.

It doesn't bother me. The bar patrons are mostly old farts who keep to themselves. Our street doesn't really go anywhere; few people have reason to pass our home.

We've been inside twice, shortly after we moved here. The only thing offensive about it is the hush that falls over the room when an outsider crosses the threshold. Of course, it wouldn't do now to be seen by the neighbours to be giving the bar our custom.

La Presse yesterday paid tribute to some of the independant bars in the area that are not swayed by trends, that hum of a bygone era.

I think it's fitting that of our own little watering hole it's said:
En plein quartier résidentiel . . . cette remise transformée en bar semble tout droit sortie d'un film de David Lynch.


  1. Oh my. If there was a bar next to where I lived I'd probably move right on in - to the bar that is! Lead me not into temptation. ;)

  2. Anonymous5:02 pm

    Ha ha!


  3. I have to say, having moved into the heart of the city last November, one of things I actually "like" about it is the fact that there are several bars within a stones throw. I like the neighborhood feel that it brings, which was completely missing in the suburbs.

  4. David Lynch! How could it be better than that!
