
Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I am back, and have been for a few days, but I have work to do. You may have spotted my ISP visiting your blogs, and I may even have left comments — that's just me procrastinating.

I've acquired more books, I've read some more of War and Peace (but little else), I've seen some movies, Helena acquired a bicycle, I'm consumed with motherhood-related angst, and I need some sleep. And I have paying work to do, as well as laundry.

Back later.


  1. Anonymous11:17 am

    Welcome back! Now I need to get on the ball and mail you something!

  2. Anonymous12:57 pm

    Glad to have you back...missed your posts and am eager to hear all about it. After laundry and work and motherly angst, of course!

  3. I hope that doesn't mean you'll never visit me again ;-(

  4. Anonymous9:11 pm

    Bicycle! How cool.

  5. Nice to have you back in the land of the blogging.

  6. Anonymous10:55 pm

    It's about time. I'm dying to hear about the bicycle and other visit tidbits in the way that only you can write about them.

  7. Anonymous11:22 am

    I'm still reading W&P, too....but other books as well. At this point my goal is to finish the book by the end of the year!
