
Friday, December 22, 2006

Des muscles

Whenever I need a laugh, some weeks more than others, I ask Helena to show me her muscles.

It was just before Christmas last year that she came home and announced that she had des gros muscles. I insisted on evidence.

She clenches her fists, her jaw. Her whole body trembles with the exertion.

Her muscles, pronounced the French way ("myooskl"), make for a good party trick. She takes the command very seriously. After all, here's proof positive that she's a growing girl.


  1. I laughed out loud at this! How delightful. The sheer concentration on her face in the first pic is priceless!

  2. Helena the prize fighter! These are terrific.

  3. Anonymous6:41 pm

    Lovely pictures. A promise of things to come for my wife and me.

  4. Very very cute.
    Of course, everyone knows that clenching the teeth helps muscles be way more muscle-ier!
    What a darling girl!

  5. Anonymous11:11 pm

    How delightful! I laughed out loud, too.

    I hope that you and Helena both got exactly what you wanted for Christmas.

  6. Anonymous6:07 pm

    Wow, she looks so much older than the last picture I remember.

    Great little girl muscles. :) Sign her up for wrestling.

  7. Anonymous10:44 am

    Words cannot express how much I adore these pictures. Helena is such a joy. Thank you for sharing!

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas.
