
Friday, January 26, 2007

Literary boozer

Patrick Hamilton, looking somewhat more proper than I'd imagined, but quite possibly very drunk (from Through a Glass Darkly). His suit's all rumpled, and he's probably just splashed water on his face and freshly slicked his hair and he thinks we can't tell.

Also, there may or may not be an event celebrating Patrick Hamilton on his birthday, March 17.

I've read 4 of his novels now, and must read them all. I've been saving up Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky for some of kind of drunken midwinter reading binge I feel coming on (though I've wet my whistle on its opening chapters already); Hangover Square arrived on my doorstep just the other week and should get me through the reading binge hangover. The obsession continues.


  1. I am adding this to my TBR when I get to my month of "Neglected Authors." Although maybe I should dedicate him to a week in the month. I could call it "Neglected Alcoholic Authors." Hmmmm...

  2. Wow, you've given me yet another author to look out for. I will watch for Patrick Hamilton to "stumble" across my path.
    Speaking of.... midwinter drunken reading..... I am planning to take Stendhal's The Red and the Black with me to Mexico in a matter of.... well.... hours!
    Stendhal was quite the character.... and I have had this novel for a long while, and I have always [for some reason] thought of it as a winter read!
    So.... I am going to combine the best of both hemispheres on this project.... Canadian winter season..... and Mexican sunshine!
    All inclusive!
    "Ummmm..... hey! Pedro! More cerveza, pour favor!"

  3. I've never heard of him, who is he??? His picture is sexy is a bookwormish way to a bookworm like me. Well, I'm off to Wikipedia to learn more...maybe I should stop off for a drink first???
