
Thursday, February 22, 2007

The slaves of Patrick Hamilton

David Lodge sings the praises of The Slaves of Solitude, by Patrick Hamilton, calling it one of the very best English novels written about the second world war. (Link via Tom Roper). It's a great introduction to a book I now pronounce (I'm a little slow to commit to such bold statements) as one of my all-time greatest reads.

The book has just been reissued by NYRB Classics. I don't have a copy yet, but Susan does (maybe she can tell us whether this article and Lodge's print introduction to the reissue are one and the same).

The Slaves of Solitude was the first Patrick Hamilton book I read — a serendipitous library find — and it hooked me. You'll be hearing even more about him from me as I work through his two big ones over the next couple months. I intend to read everything of his I can get my hands on.

I'm pleased to learn also that The Gorse Trilogy is set to be reissued in June 2007 (Black Spring Press). Having read the first two parts and being unable to find the third, I'm, well, really excited! I can't wait!


  1. Anonymous9:11 am

    Thanks for the link. How did you find out about the Gorse trilogy reissue?
    They have been out of print for ages, I think....there was a Penguin edition in the early 90s.

  2. I discovered the Gorse reissue on (which I've been checking regularly lately — I'm stymied why the new Slaves isn't available there).

  3. Anonymous10:41 am

    Indeed: both the NYBR edition and last year's Constable one are on the British Amazon site.
    There's a PH evening coming up at Brighton's new prize-winning Jubilee library. It promises to be good
