
Monday, March 05, 2007

And the week passed

So, where were we? The kid was home for a couple days. My hands ached and my feet swelled beyond being able to put on my boots, and I slept fitfully, waking with excruciatingly itchy extremities, blah, blah, blah. The week was ssssoooo dreadfully long, and I was tired the way only aches and pains exacerbated by a small child can hurt, and I read, quite possibly the best book I've ever read, and I wept — it made me weep! — so I didn't get much of anything done, blah, blah, blah. But then my sister visited! and we did nothing (much)! There was big snow and 1500 jigsaw puzzle pieces, plus a few of the kid's puzzles, and a solid half dozen bottles of wine and a crappy movie rental. The kid feverish with cold (again), but finally I could make my hands into fists and my shoes fit. We ate well, and we wandered out to get fresh bagels. The kid sang and danced, and my sister laughed and then she went home. I finished reading my book. And here we are. Everything is normal again.

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