
Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Thanks to both Mental Multivitamin and So Many Books for nominating me for a thinking blogger award.

While it is a very simple meme, it says quite a lot more than meets the eye. What makes people think?

I've already spent far too much time trying to trace the meme in both directions, backward from me and forward from its source. While it is currently traveling in book blog circles, it seems to have originated among science-oriented blogs — I haven’t yet been able to make those 2 meme ends meet (and would love to see them come full circle).

(The instructions ask me to list 5 blogs that make me think; it's a near impossible task to choose from among the dozens I visit regularly, all of which spark my brain in different ways. I'd like to pay it forward as best as I can and, I hope, introduce readers to places they may be less familiar with; but in the interest of keeping my list meaningful, as well as preventing duplication of those nominated elsewhere, I limit myself to 3.)

Here are my thinking blogger award nominations (listed alphabetically), for blogs that stretch me to think, albeit in vastly different directions:
Collision Detection
Speed of Life

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:18 pm

    ooh, more blog leads. :) I'll check them out.
