
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Too good

Over a week ago I received a surprise package in the mail. Enclosed was this card with its lovely sentiment: "Nobody minds having what is too good for them."

The tides are turning in my favour these days. I don't mind, exactly, but I do wonder sometimes when they might turn the other way, not that I think I don't deserve good things but because they seem to be governed by forces beyond my control.

In that package was a book qualifying as good for me. Whining and Dining: Mealtime Survival for Picky Eaters and the Families Who Love Them strikes me as a pretty smart and basic resource; with over 100 easy recipes (Martian soup!), it includes recipe substitutions, general tips for enticing kids to eat what's good for them, and helpful not-always-as-obvious-as-you'd-think-it-should-be advice like pour out the kid's portion before you add spoonfuls of grated ginger for the benefit of flavour-adventurous adults. I even tried a recipe for some cheese-poofy things last week and met with relative success. Ironically, the girl is pretty easy to "cook" for — she's never met a fresh vegetable she didn't like (excepting those days one just doesn't feel like having green peppers); if anyone's a picky eater here, it's J-F (but don't tell him I said so).

So, no, I don't mind having what's good for me. And books are good for me. I'm developing a taste for receiving review copies. It's a sad day when I tuck into bed sighing, "I didn't get any free books today," but I haven't had a sad day this week:

So far as I can tell, they're all excellent. Work first, reward (read: reading frenzy) soon. Already Ondaatje's Divisadero is serving as an occasional langourous respite.

Nothing's too good for me.


  1. Anonymous8:58 am

    What a lovely stack of books! All well deserved!

  2. Anonymous11:29 am

    Ooooh! I'm envious! That stack of books does look enticing-- I notice The Road at the bottom, my most recent read. Hope you enjoy it too. I'm hoping you can really enjoy your new good fortune-- I am also very suspicous when things start to turn around after a bad spell. But often it seems that when the tides turn, they turn. Looking forward to hearing about how things are going for you with your new job.

  3. Anonymous12:59 pm

    I can't wait to read Divisadero -- living in San Francisco as I do, it's a street I've spent a fair amount of time driving up and down -- but also because I've really liked what I've read about it so far. Looking forward to your reaction!

  4. Murakami come to me! McCarthy scary!

    The Hood Company

  5. Anonymous6:39 am

    Ondaatje is so poignant. Can't wait to read Divisadero.

    BlueRectangle Video Book Reviews

  6. And speaking of Divisadero, it has been offered to me as a free review copy, and I want to say YES!
    Is it good?
    Should I say YES?
