
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

"Thank you, and be happy for the rest of your life."

Lunchtime: Lebanese food, which I love as much for the gallant service, the blessings liberally yet judiciously bestowed, as for the tang. It makes me smile.

A trip to a used bookstore. Found: Five Short Novels by Stendhal. It's not a book I was looking for, nor even knew existed, and I can't say I'm particularly eager to read it. It's just the cover made me smile. An Edward Gorey illustration — in white outlined on a raspberry background. (This cover, among others, can be seen here.)

Also found: John Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar. Which made me jump up and down and squeal with glee. I've been looking for it since Christmas, for J-F, though I'm curious about it myself. Sure, I could've ordered a copy — a discard that fell into some weirdo's bathtub — online from an anonymous bookseller, but that would've denied me the thrill of the hunt and of today's ultimate discovery. I meant to share this find with the world and plead that you not tell J-F, as I'd intended to save the book for an appropriate gift-giving occasion, but when I came home this evening, he asked if I've given thought to what reading material I'd be bringing to the cottage this weekend (I have, but inconclusively) and he mentioned having to dig something up for himself to read, I presented it to him then and there.

We're off to his Mom's cottage this weekend. I'm considering bringing Infinite Jest again, but am afraid that doing so would only be reinforcing both the novel and the cottage with negative associations.

I'm still reading the same 2 books I was reading at this time last week. A week ago I was somewhat awed by the fact that I was reading 3 books at the same time, and it made me feel readerly and productive. But I've since finished only 1 of them, and my progress through the others feels negligible; it's discouraging. I look forward to returning to my usual one-book-at-a-time ways.

We had a storm earlier this week. Thunder cracked just as Helena and I were leaving the house to catch the metro. And then the rain fell. We two, we were stopped in our tracks, still under cover of our building's entranceway. Helena said she was scared. I'm not certain she was genuinely scared or just trying "scared" on for size, but either way I felt moving forward risked traumatizing the child, so we went back inside. We waited. And waited. I called into work that I'd be late. We waited some more. The rain didn't let up, but the thunder and lightning seemed to have moved on. We went forth with our trusty umbrellas, singing.

Yesterday, I wore new shoes. Black square-toed, fat-heeled Hush Puppies on sale for $30 — the kind of sensible shoe I'd been looking for. It turns out they're much higher than I'm used to; or at least, the rise is steeper. I spent the morning walking slowly, trying not to walk at all if I could help it, to keep the left shoe from falling off. By late afternoon, I was wondering how they could be pried off. Today, my feet hurt.

I find myself wanting to be the kind of woman who wears a certain type of shoe. I just haven't decided on the shoe.

I still lust after, and occasionally visit, the $785 Roberto del Carlo shoes in the shop around the corner from my office. I bet they're very comfortable.

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