
Friday, February 13, 2009


One lunch hour this week, I took advantage of the full hour and ran out to church. For the music, of course.

Chamber Music Without Borders (CMWB) is a Montreal music outreach program created and run by McGill University music students, bringing music to the community, making music a part of everyday life. Music!

What is the point of living in the city, working at city centre, if not to take advantage of all the city has to offer. Too often I forget.

It's well and good to listen to CDs on your expensive sound systems in the comfort of your dens, but however well connected you are, you are a degree removed from the music. To be in a room, a hall, in the presence of another human being with a box, with holes or strings, with a stick... and the air you breathe vibrates with music — this is a miracle!

For the last two weeks I have been listening, extensively and repeatedly, on my commute, at work, in the evening at home, I know not why, to Paganini's Caprices (as played by Midori). It could not be a happier coincidence that Caprice No 11 was on the menu, played by Jeffrey Dyrda.

When such music is played there, I can almost believe that the church is where god might actually reside.

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