
Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm not absolutely certain of my facts...

I'm not absolutely certain of my facts, but I rather fancy it's Shakespeare — or, if not, it's some equally brainy lad — who says that it's always just when a chappie is feeling particularly top-hole, and more than usually braced with things in general that Fate sneaks up behind him with a bit of lead piping. There's no doubt the man's right.

— from "Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest," in My Man Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse.

It seems also to be true, as many people have decried before me, that P.G. Wodehouse is the perfect antidote to the blahs, a reading funk, or just a plain old bad day.

I'm straight away downloading more Wodehouse to have on standby.


  1. Anonymous3:29 am

    I gave you an award

  2. WODEHOUSE. Love him.

  3. I read Wodehouse for the first time earlier this year. I was on an airplane and had to be careful not to laugh and snort out loud. No easy task!

  4. I must get started on's one of the projects on my list.
