
Saturday, October 01, 2011

Rainy afternoon

It's rainy and cold.

Before surrendering to a lazy day, I thought I'd give it one last shot to get the kid active, even though I didn't much feel like it myself.

"How about we go shopping for a skirt, like you wanted?" "No!" "What if we hang out at the bookstore?" "Yes!"

She never ceases to surprise me.

So we went to the bookstore.

I thought about buying a copy of The Train (Simenon) for myself, seeing as how my electronic review copy is set to expire in a few days and I have to have this book on my shelf. But more than that, I wanted to browse, to discover something.

I opened a copy of Nicholson Baker's The Anthologist, started reading it, and, three pages in, determined it was crap, or, at least, not for me, not today.

Here's what we bought:

The Project's for me, of course, and I must say its first three pages were vastly more compelling than anything else in the store. Today anyway. It's been on that list in the back of my mind of books to watch for for some time, and it puts me in mind of that Doctor Who Episode, The Lazarus Experiment — I'm sure they have nothing to do with each other, but it's as valid a reason as any to choose one book over another.

Happy, rainy reading.


  1. Hah!
    It is rainy here, too. Go figure. We are an hour and a half apart, as the car drives!
    I was looking at this VERY Hemon book in the store on Friday! It looked wildly interesting.
    I am going to wait to see what you think of it as you read it.
    If you like it, I'll get it.
    You really seem addicted to the Simenon. He seems to be like caffeine, cocaine, or...... muffins. I must admit, the one copy of him I got from you -- it was good. Compelling. And thank you, once again.
    You remind me of this one guy I always see at Chapters, and he is FOREVER reading Simenon, like he has the ENTIRE thrice-boxed edition of everything the guy ever wrote. He reads it en francais.

  2. You're going to have to wait a while, Cip — I don's see myself getting around to reading this book till maybe December.

    Yes, I am addicted to Simenon. One day I'll have to write about why. It's getting to be more like potato chips. Just. One. More.
