
Sunday, February 08, 2015

New books from Anansi

The kind people at House of Anansi Press, have been sending me some lovely books over the last couple of months that I haven't had a chance to read yet. I'm still playing catch-up with reading books received at Christmas, and otherwise generally drowning in life.

(One of the best things about Anansi books? French flaps! I love French flaps!)

The Gallery of Lost Species, by Nina Berkhout, is about Edith, who believes she saw a unicorn. She takes a job cataloguing art where she meets a cryptozoologist searching for "Gauguin's mystery bird."

Ravenscrag, by Alain Farah, takes place in Montreal but spans two time periods separated by 50 years. Nefarious psychiatric experiments and a gothic manor. It's billed as a blend of retro science fiction and autobiography.

The Other Joseph, by Skip Horack, is a journey across America in search of redemption.

When the Doves Disappeared, by Sofi Oksanen, explores the occupation, resistance, and collaboration in Estonia during and after World War II. Passion and betrayal!

So, which one do I read first?


  1. From the brief blurbs, the first and the second Anansi book sound the best to me.
    Are you really reading Faber's Under The Skin right now? Wow. I LOVED that book. Just last night I finished his newest book, The Book of Strange Things. It was itself... "strange". But then, there you go, that's Michel Faber. He is so off the grid.

  2. The one set in Montreal sounds very intriguing....I'd pick that one! Or maybe the Sofi Oksanen; I've read an earlier one by her, very strong writing indeed.
