
Monday, February 05, 2007

Drunroll, please...

Contest: Un Lun Dun-inspired place names.
Prize: Bang Crunch, by Neil Smith, signed by the author.
Winner: Danielle, of A Work in Progress, for Nomaha, which is beautiful in its simplicity. (Please email me, Danielle, with your postal address.)

Thanks, everyone, for playing. (I may have to do this again — it's an entertaining way to get rid of some of the excess books stacking up around here, as well as to discover some otherwise silent readers and their blogs.)

(I grew up in Sans Catharines (near Niagara Fell, or, in the opposite direction, Shamilton), Untario. I lived for many years in Nottawa. Oh, I could do this all day. I have been doing this, for far too many days, with random place names around the globe. Please get me outside of my own head.)


  1. Anonymous3:20 pm

    Wow, I never win anything! Thanks--I will send you an email.

  2. I was rooting for "No-maha" myself. Congrats, Danielle!
