
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Un-place: contest! with prize!

(Originally posted January 30, 8:07 pm. I'll be keeping this post up top for a bit, cuz it's fun! you should play! even if you don't want the prize.)

One of the books I've been most looking forward to this winter is the new novel by China MiƩville, this time writing for young adults. Un Lun Dun is set to hit store shelves February 13, but I'll be tucking into my review copy tonight.

The title comes from the name of a city in an alternate reality, which a couple kids slip into. Un Lun Dun. Un-London. Get it?

The world has other alternacities, of course. Parisn't, No York, Helsunki, Hong Gone.

The contest:
So, what's the name of your alternaplace, of the city you live in, or your neighbourhood, or your hometown, or where you went to school, or where you are right now (it must be a place you have a personal connection with)?

The prize:
The commenter with the cleverest (or silliest, or weirdest) response (as judged by me, probably) will receive my review copy (previously read by me; like new!) of Bang Crunch (really, it's worth reading), by Neil Smith, signed by the author earlier this evening (secondary contest: guess how many glasses of wine I had at the book launch). (International responses are both welcome and eligible. Contest closes February 3, midnight EST.)

Me? I live in Montsurreal.


  1. Anonymous10:59 pm

    How about No-maha (for Omaha)...okay, not terribly creative, but it's late!

  2. I happen to live in a town called Budd Lake, which doesn't really need an alternaname. Why? Let's just say that our densely forested town includes many farmers in the business of cultivating weeds.

    If I were suddenly transported to an alternate reality, I'm sure I would be in Butt Lake. Sitting on the public beach in summertime inevitably includes averting the eyes and wondering how to get a ban on thongs pushed through town hall.

  3. Anonymous7:53 am

    I live in tight-assed suburb of Columbus, OH called Upper Arlington.

    Fancyburg is popular among some of the locals, but I refer to it as Swellington.

  4. Anonymous3:17 pm

    Um, I grew up in a community called Fairplains, so maybe Unfairplains?

    Susan at pagesturned

  5. Anonymous8:51 pm

    Can we offer up more than one? Because in addition to Chican'tgo, I used to live in Niladelphia.

    Noncouver just isn't as recognizable, for some reason... Let me think about that one some more.

  6. Anonymous8:56 pm

    And how could I forget? Ain't Louis! I think that's my favourite, if I had to just choose one...

  7. Anonymous9:31 pm

    There's the Big Apple, then there's the city where I live--Minnie Apples--also known as Minneapolis.

  8. Wichita Falls, Texas, one of my former homes: "Wichita Falls Apart"

    Springfield, MO: "Spring-a-leak-field"

    And my home state: Missouri, with the stress on the first syllable to render it Misery.

  9. I think Rachel lives in Vancovered.

  10. Vancouver...
    How about Gran's Hoover?

  11. Anonymous5:46 pm

    Before coming to No York, I lived in Bare Lien.

  12. Anonymous6:15 am

    How about Don'tbai? (This is only funny if you know that Dubai is setting itself up to be the Shopping Capital Of The Universe. Oh, how I amuse myself.)
