Now that I have so much time to myself, I wonder at my times of happiness, why I've been allowed them, even now when I am lonely. Why I can walk and how even walking, at the right hour, in this temperature or that one, the lights just coming on, or the sky lightening, I am able to love it. How much I am a person.I am zipping through Indelicacy, by Amina Cain.
I wonder why everybody says they have so much free time now. Were they always out at bars and restaurants? Or at the gym? Have I always lived slower than them? Or less fully?
Arguably I have less "free time" now than before. I cook more, I clean more. At first I resented this. But now I am feeling fine. Happy, even. Perhaps introverts are better equipped for lockdown. After some initial sleep disturbances, I am starting to feel remarkably rested. I have books to read and things to learn.
Yesterday, Poland reopened its forests.
Yesterday I took delivery of a dozen samosas and a mango salad. And a fresh baguette.
Yesterday, we watched a movie about a sinister religious cult that was even weirder than we'd hoped.
Oooh, which movie?
It was Apostle, apparently an homage to The Wicker Man (which I've never seen).
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